The "official uniform" of finnish students, suitable for most occasions. In Finland each subject association has it's own overalls recognizable from a combination of color and symbols. Indecs' overalls are white with the guild's logo in the back with the curve on it being colored differently for each year group. The overalls are purchased during the freshman autumn by the year group as a whole. In order to achieve this the year group selects a project team after the beginning of studies.

Teekkari cap
Trademark of all Finnish techincal students, teekkaris, is a tassel cap known as teekkarilakki, teekkari cap in English. It is an accessory which teekkaris carry with pride from Wappu until the end of September. Freshmen get to wear their caps for the first time at the cap ceremony on the night of Wappu on the May first! Wappu is the biggest event of the year for Finnish students, especially technical students! In Tampere Wappu usually last about 3 weeks and during it there are many events available every day. Wappu starts in the beginning of April and it ends first of May to the teekkari dipping. The teekkari dipping is an event where freshmen studying technical fields are dipped into Tammerkoski and they become teekkaris. It is a once in a lifetime experience that you can attend for free even if you haven’t participated in many events before. It is definitely a thing every technical student should try!
Tampereen Teekkarit
An organization established to maintain and promote teekkari culture. Its members include the guilds in the Hervanta campus. Tampereen Teekkarit maintain the teekkarisauna and organize important teekkari events.

Fuksi pass
The daily life of a teekkari in Hervanta involves much more than just studying. There are often so many events available that it's impossible to attend them all. Freshman passes are distributed annually to new freshmen, or fuksies, to guide and facilitate their introduction to various events and Tampere teekkari culture. Points can be accumulated in the passport by participating in the listed events and activities. To be able to go to the Teekkari dipping on Wappu, you need to have at least 300 points in your fuksi pass or do an extra punishment before the dipping.